Patent Search

Patent Search PATENT SEARCHES & OPINIONS OPINIONS Prior to investing time, energy and money on patent preparation and filing for a potentially valuable invention, it may be prudent to conduct a patentability search and render an opinion of patentability from a registered patent professional as to the likelihood that a patent of useful scope could […]


What Is a Trademark? TRADEMARK INFORMATION Trademarks and Service Marks which are used in interstate or foreign commerce may be�registered�with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Trademark rights are used to prevent confusion in the marketplace, but not to prevent others from making similar goods or from selling similar goods or providing similar services […]


What Is a Copyright? COPYRIGHT INFORMATION A�Copyright�is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States to the Authors of �original works of authorship,� including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic and certain other intellectual works. This protection is available to both published and unpublished works. The Copyright Act generally gives the owner of […]

How to Patent and Sell Your Invention Idea

How To Patent and Sell an Invention Idea The VIP Formula for Invention Success Vision + Implementation = Performance We love big ideas. We revere the inventors that have changed our world. We believe in future inventors and their big dreams for a greater tomorrow. After all, where would we be today without the great […]

How to License Your Invention for Royalties

How to License Your Invention for Royalties This page was created to help inventors understand invention licensing and royalties. We�ve included a�video, an�infographic, an�example, and an�invention royalty calculator�to help you understand this process better. When you obtain patent protection on your invention, it is similar to owning Real Estate Property such as a house. In […]

How Much Does A Patent Cost?

How Much Does A Patent Cost? In working and being around inventors for the past 20 years, the most common question that every inventor wants to know right away of course is:�How much does a Patent cost? This is a completely reasonable question because you know that you have a great idea, spent time to […]

What Is A Patent

What Is A Patent Everybody has heard of a patent. If you�ve ever mentioned to someone that you had an amazing new invention that was sure to sell millions, undoubtedly someone has told you that you need to get a patent. But what really is a patent and will this patent protect you and […]

The Art of Storytelling and Product Sales

The Art of Storytelling When starting an enterprise, most business owners have to think of ways to get people into their stores. If you have an online business, it boils down to the same thing: How to drive traffic to your website so that potential customers will buy something? The only effective way to introduce […]

What Is A Utility Patent?

What is a Utility Patent? A utility patent is one of several types of patents you may be able to obtain if you plan to create and build an invention. This specific type of patent is important for the invention of something new or a significant improvement on an existing product. It can also […]

Invention Review: AquaDog

AquaDog The AquaDog is a refillable water container for dogs on the go so you don�t need to carry around a water bottle and a bowl for your pet! It has a very simple design that is easy to use: just squeeze to fill and release to drain. It is advertised as suitable for all […]



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