How to License Your Invention for Royalties
How to License Your Invention for Royalties This page was created to help inventors understand invention licensing and royalties. We�ve included a�video, an�infographic, an�example, and an�invention royalty calculator�to help you understand this process better. When you obtain patent protection on your invention, it is similar to owning Real Estate Property such as a house. In […]
How Much Does A Patent Cost?
How Much Does A Patent Cost? In working and being around inventors for the past 20 years, the most common question that every inventor wants to know right away of course is:�How much does a Patent cost? This is a completely reasonable question because you know that you have a great idea, spent time to […]
What Is A Patent
What Is A Patent Everybody has heard of a patent. If you�ve ever mentioned to someone that you had an amazing new invention that was sure to sell millions, undoubtedly someone has told you that you need to get a patent. But what really is a patent and will this patent protect you and […]